How we charge

At Emera Family Law our approach is to focus on settlements rather than arguments. Our philosophy is to work with you to settle matters. By working this way, we aim to keep legal costs down and to enable parties to move on with their lives sooner rather than later.

Your first appointment is free

At Emera Family Law, we offer a free 30-minute telephone or video conference appointment. During this appointment, we will take the time to get information from you and give you preliminary advice and information about your matter.

We also offer in-depth strategy and advice meetings via telephone, video conference or in person at either our Melbourne CBD or Sunshine location. These meetings are charged at your lawyer's hourly rate. 

If you would like more information about our first appointments, please call or email us.

CALL:  03 9006 8907

EMAIL:  [email protected]

Cost agreements

Before we start working with you, we will send you a cost agreement that sets out our terms of engagement and our charges.

For matters where we charge based on time, we will provide an estimate of your total legal costs and third-party charges like valuation fees or fees payable to a mediator. For fixed fee matters we will set out the agreed fee and the scope of work covered by the fee.

Our payment options

We offer the following payment options:

  • Hourly rates
  • Fixed fee options
  • Deferred payments

Hourly rates

This method of charging means that you pay for the time we spend working on your matter. We will generally offer hourly rate charging arrangements for negotiations or if the matter proceeds to Court.

Fixed fees

This is where we agree on a fixed fee for the work to be undertaken.

We will also discuss and agree the scope of work so that there is clarity about the work to be performed. We generally offer fixed fee pricing for divorce matters, and consent settlements, which is a large part of the work we do every day.

Deferred payments and payment plans

We know that it’s not always easy to find the money to pay legal fees and we try to help make things easier where we can. In some cases, we will offer deferred payment options and payment plans. You should speak with us at your first appointment to see if this is an option for you.

We will keep you informed

We will give you advice about how you can try to keep costs down and keep you up to date with what’s owing and any future costs.

We also send invoices along the way so that you can keep up to date with payments.

We will be transparent about costs and charges throughout your time working with us. If at any time during your case you have a question about costs, you should not hesitate to speak with your lawyer about it.

How can we help you today?

03 9006 8907 [email protected]

We're here to help you move forward with your legal matter. Understanding where you stand by getting the right advice early will give you clarity and certainty.

Get in touch

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