
Category: Children and Parenting

What is supervised time with children in family law parenting disputes?

What is supervised time with children in family law parenting disputes?

In family law parenting cases involving high conflict or allegations of risk, the Court may make orders (or parents may agree) for a parent to spend supervised time with a child. When determining whether an order for supervised time is appropriate, the Court will ultimately consider what is in the child’s best interests.
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Pre-action procedures in family law - what do they mean for you?

Pre-action procedures in family law - what do they mean for you?

Before taking a family law dispute to court, separated couples are required to make a genuine effort to resolve parenting and/or property disputes by following certain steps known as the pre-action procedures.
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Overseas travel with children after a family law separation

Overseas travel with children after a family law separation

There may be various reasons why a parent is worried about allowing their former partner to travel overseas with their child, ranging from the child having never spent significant time away from the non-travelling parent to a genuine fear that the travelling parent will not return the child to Australia.
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Understanding the best interests of the children in family law matters

Understanding the best interests of the children in family law matters

When a Court order is made in relation to children, the most important consideration is the best interests of those children. This is known as the paramount consideration and is enshrined in Section 60CA of the Family Law Act.
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Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

After filing your initiating court documents, your matter will be listed for a First Return Hearing in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. A First Return Hearing is a procedural hearing and, as the name suggests, is the first Court event after you have filed an application to have a matter dealt with by the Court.
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Drugs and alcohol in family law

Drugs and alcohol in family law

Following separation, if either parent has any concerns in relation to the physical or psychological welfare of a child, including drug and/or alcohol misuse by a parent or where there is a history of family violence, it is important to seek legal advice early.
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Are Donor Agreements legally binding?

Are Donor Agreements legally binding?

A Donor Agreement is a written agreement between a sperm donor and the recipient parent(s). In this article, we explore Donor Agreements in detail, specifically dealing with the issue of enforceability and purpose.
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4 tips for separated parents to navigate custody battles in family law

4 tips for separated parents to navigate custody battles in family law

In this article, rather than examining the legal considerations of parenting arrangements, we set out some practical measures separated parents can take, and things they can consider, in order to put their children first when negotiating co-parenting arrangements.
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A guide to Child Impact Reports and Family Reports

A guide to Child Impact Reports and Family Reports

If you’re in the middle of, or about to enter into parenting proceedings in the Family Court, you’ve likely come across the terms “Child Impact Report” and “Family Report”. We break down precisely what each of these reports are, when/why you might use them and also a few quick tips on preparing for an assessment with a report writer.
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Independent Children’s Lawyers in family law proceedings

Independent Children’s Lawyers in family law proceedings

Although most parents will be able to resolve their parenting matters out of Court, there are just some instances where this is not possible. If you find yourself navigating your way through family law parenting proceedings, you may come across the term Independent Children’s Lawyer. Learn more in this article.
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Agreement of parenting plan

Parenting Plan or Consent Order – what’s best for me?

In this article, we will look at the various ways to formalise a parenting agreement and what will work best for you.
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6 Steps to manage negotiating parenting arrangements with your ex

6 Steps to manage negotiating parenting arrangements with your ex

Going through a separation or divorce can be a difficult process. In this article, we provide you with some tips and practical advice on how to navigate the process of parenting arrangements as smoothly and effectively as possible.
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