
Category: Property Settlement

Pre-action procedures in family law - what do they mean for you?

Pre-action procedures in family law - what do they mean for you?

Before taking a family law dispute to court, separated couples are required to make a genuine effort to resolve parenting and/or property disputes by following certain steps known as the pre-action procedures.
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Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

After filing your initiating court documents, your matter will be listed for a First Return Hearing in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. A First Return Hearing is a procedural hearing and, as the name suggests, is the first Court event after you have filed an application to have a matter dealt with by the Court.
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The difference between a loan and a gift in family law

The difference between a loan and a gift in family law

When the financial climate is strained, it is common for parents to financially assist their children. How this financial support is given is important; was it a gift or a loan? This has a different effect on property settlement should the couple separate.
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De facto property settlement in family law

De facto property settlement in family law

In Australia, if you’re separating from your partner and working through property settlement, the law treats those in a de facto relationship the same as those who are married. But there is a common question that arises quite frequently: How do I know if I’m in a de facto relationship and how do I prove it?
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Valuations in Family Law

Are you separated/divorced and entering into property settlement negotiations with your former partner? One of the first steps will be to determine the value of your assets, liabilities and any financial resources but what happens if you can’t agree on values?
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How to Negotiate a Fair Property Settlement Agreement

Negotiating a property settlement agreement is a significant step in moving forward after a separation or divorce. It's essential to approach the process with clarity, patience, and a focus on finding a fair and equitable solution.
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Social media during separation and divorce – tips and traps

Social media during separation and divorce – tips and traps

Using social media during a separation or divorce is totally fine - unless of course, you are posting about your ex-partner. It is important to understand that in Australia, using social media can have an impact on the outcomes of your separation and divorce.
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Consent Order or Financial Agreement?

Consent Orders or a Financial Agreement

Let’s assume you have reached a property settlement agreement with your ex-partner following your separation. The next step is to make your agreement legal and binding. It is important to get legal advice about your property settlement agreement and to make sure that the agreement is formalised.
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Negotiating a property settlement

Tips for negotiating a property settlement with your ex-partner

Discover effective strategies for dividing property after a separation with our top 9 tips to ensure a fair and equitable settlement for both parties.
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What is disclosure in family law?

Duty of disclosure in family law

As separating couples navigate the family law system, they might hear the term “disclosure” referred to frequently by their lawyer or the Court. In this blog, we look at your duty of disclosure in family law.
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Our comprehensive overview of all the benefits related to an amicable separation from your former partner

The advantages of an amicable separation from your partner

When separating from your partner, there are many things you will be turning your mind to; like parenting arrangements if there are children, property settlement and spousal maintenance. Even if you agree on arrangements, it's still worthwhile formalising that agreement.
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Adjusting your property settlement for future needs is crucial in protecting your financial future.

Are my future needs considered in Family Law property settlements?

Negotiating and finalising the division of assets, commonly called property settlement, can happen at any time after separation. In this article, we will look at how the future needs of both parties are considered during property settlement negotiations.
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