
Category: General

Subpoenas in family law

Subpoenas in family law

A subpoena is a legal document that compels a person/entity (organisation or company) to produce certain documents or give evidence at a hearing. A subpoena is issued by the Court at the request of a party to a court proceeding.
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Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

Family Court hearings – the First Return Hearing

After filing your initiating court documents, your matter will be listed for a First Return Hearing in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. A First Return Hearing is a procedural hearing and, as the name suggests, is the first Court event after you have filed an application to have a matter dealt with by the Court.
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What to look for when choosing a family lawyer

Tips for choosing the right family lawyer

When emotions are high, both needing and choosing a lawyer can be daunting. We provide some tips to consider when choosing your lawyer.
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